Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Lesson 2: Feelings

Happiness? Relief? Elation?

The second lesson will be looking at feelings and what is important to you.

Remember your assignment from Lesson 1 (see below) is due in on your second lesson.

Extended Learning Assignment 2:

Consider what are the three most important things a school teacher has to do.

Be prepared to contribute to a discussion on the issue.
Can you convincingly argue that your points are important ones?

Monday, 3 September 2012

Lesson 1: My Philosophy 1: Michael

Hello Year 8 Philosophy / Social students.

Hope you have had a good summer. Our first unit is 'My Philosophy'. I hope the Skittles, the Sunshine Buddy and 'Michael' made you think.

Extended Learning Assignment 1:

'Choose any issue. Explain why it is important to you.' (Maximum 250 words)

You will be marked according to your ability to produce a carefully reasoned argument to explain why you choose that issue

Mark Scheme

Remember you will be either awarded a G, Y or R. G means 'Green' - You have successfully fulfilled the objective / criteria; Y means 'Yellow' - You have partially fulfilled the objective / criteria; R means 'Red' - You have not really fulfilled the objective / criteria.

You will also get an effort grade:

1 - Outstanding
2 - Good
3 - Requires Improvement
4 - Cause for Concern

This assignment will feed into your first major assignment

If you have any questions ask away