Thursday, 4 October 2012

'My Philosophy' Assignment

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  1. Assignment 1: My Philosophy

    Objective - For students to produce a booklet outlining their own personal philosophy. (The booklet should cover all the stages below.)

    Philosophy in this sense means a particular system or set of beliefs reached by ‘the use of reason and argument in seeking the truth and knowledge of reality’. To put it more simply - What do you think is important in life? How should people live their lives? How should people live together?

    Stage 1

    Think carefully and start to plan your assignment - What are the areas you would want to cover? You could include some of the areas above. Talk to people to get ideas about what could be included. Do research. Discuss ideas on the blog:

    Stage 2

    Explain why you have chosen the areas you have (choose no more than ten different areas)

    Stage 3

    (Main part of the assignment)
    In your booklet carefully explain your philosophy. You should include a maximum of ten different areas. Don’t just state points - explain them e.g. don’t just say ‘Point 1: People should be free’ - Explain why, what does that mean etc.

    Stage 4

    Evaluate your philosophy - What sort of life would it lead to? What sort of society would it create? Would there be any potential problems?

    Remember: Complete all parts of the assignment fully and in as much detail as possible to achieve the best grade. Reflect on feedback from previous assignments.

    This assignment will be completed in class and as two of your extended learning sessions. The assignment will be collected in on the following days: 8L - 3 Dec 8N - 9 Nov 8M - 9 Nov 8P - 30 Nov


    Level 3 You produce a booklet which states some elements of your ‘philosophy’. There is some explanation of your ideas and beliefs.

    Level 4 You produce a booklet which outlines your ‘philosophy’. You explain why you have chosen some of the areas you have. Your main ideas are developed and explained.

    Level 5 You produce a booklet which clearly outlines your ‘philosophy’. You clearly explain why you have chosen the areas you have. Your ideas are well developed and explained. There is an evaluation of your philosophy.

    Level 6 You produce a booklet which provides a very good explanation of why you have chosen to focus on particular areas. Your philosophy is very well explained and links are developed between points. There is a good evaluation of your philosophy and its potential strengths and weaknesses.
    Level 7 As Level 6 but the assignment strongly reflects a philosophy which is greater than the sum of its parts. Links between points are explained fully and the evaluation of the philosophy shows careful reflection concerning the ideas outlined.

  2. Questions:
    Should we write down stage one on paper?
    Are we supposed to put all stages in the booklet or just some of them?
    What's the expected minimum of areas covered?
